Aerial photo of coffee cups.

Security & Protection

Customer security and protection is First Federal's top priority. We are constantly exploring new ways to improve the security of our banking products and services. We've provided helpful security awareness tips below to educate you on the many ways to maintain a smart and safe banking experience.

First Federal uses an automatic contact program if fraud is detected on your account. Please contact us for any questions regarding fraud alerts.
  • All computers and networks should be equipped with updated and reliable Antivirus, Malware, and Spyware detection software.
  • Set your antivirus software to automatically update to the newest version so the software’s list of viruses can stay current. The automatic update option can usually be found in the software’s configuration settings.
  • Use the antivirus, malware, and spyware software to scan emails.
  • Beware of unusual system performance, such as program failures, multiple browser window popups or random computer restarts, which could indicate that someone is attempting to take control over your computer or mobile device.
  • Keep your computer Operating System (OS) current
  • Keep login credentials (user IDs, passwords and any security devices) confidential and in a safe place.
  • Do not store the credentials on your mobile device.
  • Do not keep written login and password information in any place where others can view or access (desk, kitchen, common areas).
  • Do not use easy passwords. Choose complex passwords. An example might be to use the first letters in a phrase or favorite saying. When possible, use a unique combination of upper case, lower case, numbers and special characters.
  • Change your password periodically.
  • First Federal Bank representatives will never ask for your login credentials.
  • Beware of suspicious emails from unknown addresses or someone unlikely to send an email, such as the IRS.
  • If you accidentally open a suspicious email, do not click on any of the links within the email.
  • If a suspicious email is opened and/or the links within the email are clicked, immediately contact an Information Technology employee/consultant to perform diagnostics and a virus scan
  • Check your account daily.
  • Familiarize yourself with a local Information/Technology company/professional in case a problem occurs.
  • Always lock your workstation when it is unattended.
  • Do not leave an Internet or Mobile Banking session unattended for any period of time. Always sign out or logoff.
  • Contact First Federal Bank immediately if you suspect fraud or a breach of your account or systems
  • Shred all documents containing personal information.
  • Review Bank statements promptly and carefully.
  • Periodically check your credit report for any unusual changes.
  • Only divulge personal information to someone you are positive of their identity and only if you initiated the contact
  • Protect ATM cards and PINS.
  • Report a Lost of Stolen Card
  • Choose a PIN different from your address, telephone number, and date of birth.
  • Observe card readers, if they appear damaged or modified, don’t use them.